SkyPunk Legacy Archive Type

Introducing the “Archive Type” trait variations for Neon Skies’s SkyPunk Legacy NFTs

Neon Skies
2 min readJun 8, 2022

Neon Skies is a play-to-earn DeFi NFT game in development on the Polygon blockchain. Our forthcoming “SkyPunk Legacy” NFTs are limited-edition art collectibles that will double as highly valuable in-game bonuses when Neon Skies “RAIN Games” are released.

📦 SkyPunk Legacy Archive Type 📦

As the Neon Skies Council sifted through the archives to catalog the faction breakdown of the SkyPunk Legacy NFTs, they observed that the SkyPunks were not all in the same condition — some having weathered the stint in storage better than others. The first SkyPunks were memorialized in the early 22nd century, when preservation techniques were still primitive and experimental. Given the constraints, City Archivists did a miraculous job preserving them; however, due to some minor data corruption, only a few in the collection survived in the highest possible fidelity. Thus the SkyPunk Legacy NFT “Archive Type” trait variations are as follows:

→ Portable Network Graphic
→ MPEG-4
→ Enhanced MPEG-4

SkyPunk Legacy is only the beginning — game updates, insider info, and a knowledgeable community await those who join our Discord server.

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