Geldoth: SkyPunk Legacy faction

Introducing one of the five factions in the SkyPunk Legacy NFT collection

Neon Skies
2 min readApr 27, 2022

Neon Skies is a play-to-earn DeFi NFT game in development on the Polygon blockchain. Our forthcoming “SkyPunk Legacy” NFTs are limited-edition art collectibles that will double as highly valuable in-game bonuses when Neon Skies “RAIN Games” are released.

☢️ SkyPunk Legacy faction: GELDOTH ☢️

For the most part, humanity leans confidently into the illusion of free will. Faced with catastrophe, however, humans respond in extremely predictable ways, like bees upon destruction of their hive. Some fight, some flee, and still others freeze.

After the War and the historic discovery of Neon Ice, those who would eventually form the SkyPunk Legacy faction GELDOTH responded with cunning and technological ingenuity — convening disparate networks of underground AI programmers and quantum technicians to stealthily bend the arc of Neon Ice’s potential toward the good. To this day, the name Geldoth evokes images of covert, ultra-advanced technologies.

Geldoth motto: The machine will set us free

SkyPunk Legacy is only the beginning — game updates, insider info, and a knowledgeable community await those who join our Discord server.

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Now recruiting… Join us today! 🚀

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¹ N.S. Codex XVI §2.03

